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Version: v0.3.1

USB Drives Flag

huronOS allows you to control if the USB drives can be automounted or not. You can control this by using the AllowUsbStorage flag.

Setting the flag to:


Will allow the contestant to mount their portable USB drives to the system and copy content to and from the system.

Setting the flag to:


Will not allow the contestant user to mount any USB drive to the system. Note that USB peripheral devices are allowed such as mouses, or keyboards.


Note that if you switch from AllowUsbStorage=true to AllowUsbStorage=false during runtime or at a mode change, all processes using the disk will be killed and all the mounted drives will be forcefully unmounted. Be careful when setting this rule to not damage connected USB drives' filesystem.

Post contest code-to-home for upsolving.

One of the best features of huronOS is that after a contest finishes, it can change it's modality from contest to always (default) and you can toggle the AllowUsbStorage from false to true during the contest while on 'always' mode.

By default, huronOS copies the contents of the home/ directory of the contest to the current home while on 'always' mode. This directory has the contest-datetime/ format and this can enable contestants to copy their contest code to their USB drives, being a perfect solution to enforcing upsolving while not breaking the rules during the competition.